Based on DBH or DBH and Height.

biomassCalculation(species, DBH, includeHeight, height, equationSource)

# S4 method for character,numeric,logical,numeric,character
biomassCalculation(species, DBH, includeHeight, height, equationSource)

# S4 method for character,numeric,missing,numeric,character
biomassCalculation(species, DBH, height, equationSource)

# S4 method for character,numeric,logical,numeric,missing
biomassCalculation(species, DBH, includeHeight, height)

# S4 method for character,numeric,missing,numeric,missing
biomassCalculation(species, DBH, height)

# S4 method for character,numeric,missing,missing,character
biomassCalculation(species, DBH, equationSource)

# S4 method for character,numeric,missing,missing,missing
biomassCalculation(species, DBH)



Character string giving the species name.


Numeric. The tree's diameter at breast height (DBH, cm).


Logical. Whether the biomass is calculated based on DBH and height. If TRUE, height must be provided. Default FALSE.


Numeric. The tree's height (m).


Character. Determine the sources of equations. Currently, this function has two options, i.e., "Lambert2005" and "Ung2008". Default, "Lambert2005".


Biomass (kg) and missedSpecies list that was not calculated.


Yong Luo


if (FALSE) {
 DBH <- seq(1, 100, 5)
 species <- c(rep("jack pine", 10), rep("black spruce", 10))
 species[1] <- "wrongSpecies"
 height <- seq(20, 40, length = 20)

 # without height information and and taking the equations from Lambert 2005
 biomass1 <- biomassCalculation(species = species, DBH = DBH)

 # with height information and and taking the equations from Lambert 2005
 biomass2 <- biomassCalculation(species = species, DBH = DBH,
                                includeHeight = TRUE, height = height)